Alder cones 50gr


Alder cones are perfect for aquariums and terrariums, releasing tannins that improve water quality, reduce pH and prevent infections in fish and amphibians. They create a more natural, healthy and aesthetically appealing environment. Ideal for terrariums and tropical aquariums!

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Technical Data Sheet: Alder Cones (Alnus spp.)

Product Description

  • Common Name: Alder cones
  • Scientific Name: Alnus spp.
  • Family: Betulaceae
  • Part Used: Dried fruits (woody cones)
  • Origin: Temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere (North America, Europe, Asia).
  • Shape: Small woody cones, 1 to 3 cm in length, dark brown or black in color.

Physical Characteristics

  • Size: 1 – 3 cm
  • Color: Dark brown to black
  • Texture: Woody, hard, and rough
  • Durability: Long-lasting in aquatic environments.


  • Astringent: Contains tannins that help reduce bacterial and fungal infections in aquatic animals.
  • Antiseptic: Natural properties that prevent infections in aquatic animals, contributing to a healthier environment.
  • Tannin Release: Produces tannins that acidify the water, mimicking the natural conditions of certain animals’ habitats.

Applications in the Animal World

  1. Aquariums (tropical fish and other aquatic animals):
    • Water Quality Improvement: Alder cones are particularly useful in aquariums, as they release tannins that help:
      • Lower the water’s pH, creating a more acidic environment.
      • Recreate the conditions of blackwater rivers (common in South America, where fish like bettas and tetras live).
      • Mimic natural environments, reducing stress in fish and other aquatic animals.
    • Disease Prevention: The released tannins have antimicrobial properties that prevent bacterial and fungal infections in fish, shrimp, amphibians, and other aquatic animals.
    • Natural Stimulants: Improve the overall health of fish, promote fin regeneration, and reduce the risk of fungal infections.
  2. Terrariums and Paludariums (amphibians and aquatic reptiles):
    • Habitat Improvement: Used in habitats for frogs, salamanders, and other amphibians, alder cones improve water quality and prevent skin and eye infections in these animals.
    • Simulation of Natural Environments: Create water conditions similar to swamps and humid forests where these animals naturally live.
Additional information

50 gr