Neoregelia Pink


Add color and freshness to your space with Neoregelia Pink! This bromeliad with vibrant pink leaves is perfect for interiors and terrariums, easy to care for, and pet-safe.

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Common Name: Neoregelia Pink
Scientific Name: Neoregelia spp.
Family: Bromeliaceae

The Neoregelia Pink is a small to medium-sized bromeliad with striking pink leaves in the center, making it a highly decorative plant. Its leaves are rigid and form a rosette. As it matures, the pink center becomes more intense.


  • Size: Can grow up to 20 cm tall.
  • Color: Pink in the center, with green edges.
  • Light: Prefers indirect light.
  • Temperature: Ideal between 18-26°C.
  • Humidity: Requires a humid environment, great for terrariums.
  • Water: Water mainly in the center of the rosette.


  • Indoor decoration: Perfect for homes and offices.
  • Terrariums and Paludariums: Ideal for tropical terrariums and paludariums.


  • Air purifier: Helps improve air quality.
  • Non-toxic: Safe for pets.
  • Easy care: Great for beginners.